
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

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Thursday, December 2, 2021

                Music week 2

to day at Monday mush up we are writing chords and melodies at first the song was a bit cranky and then  the music was mind blowing I really I really  liked it. making music is fun

Blending in

As they dashed off,a glimmer of stripes could be seen.a zebra blending in with a shadow of white horses as the zebra trying to get a way from a lion. The zebra could not be seen. The lion was curious what was happening. Then a flash zoomed across then all the horses panicked across the field as the zebra trying to find a way out. The lion saw the the zebra and then the lion rushed through the filed. the zebra ran but  could not run faster but it went on.the zebra was getting tired and tired but just then the flash zoomed through and across the lion the flash was so loud that the lion was so scared that the lion ran away. The zebra ran to the highest hill and saw....

zebras. he ran and ran he saw his mum and brothers and sisters,and his friends.then that morning his friends and family went on and eat grass,flowers and leafs. then it stated to 

rain drop fall across the sky then a glimmer of sunshine went on my face.

a rainbow fall across the sky and at night we would always see the shimmering shooting stars.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Giant clouds

Giant clouds are big and fluffy as a candy floss. Then there was a a ginormous hot air balloon. it flew up into the sky. Then it was getting colder and colder. Then the hot air balloon on exploded. Then it started to rain.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

How does the Earth orbit the sun?

 For Inquiry we where learning about how does the earth perfectly orbit around the sun. I worked with Aaliyah and Sanchia and I helped by putting the picture in. It takes a little over a year for the earth to do a full orbit around the sun.The earths rotation is what gives us day and night. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Twinkle Twinkle little flame

Once in the city of France there was a little girl called Alice with a nice pretty lantern. She went out to look for her brother.It was a wet and rainy day.She got her coat and her nice 

Pretty hat 

She could hear the 

Loud voices of the people of France

Soon the little girl remembers that her little brother said “I’ll go to the baker’s place to get some cookies”  soon the little girl went to the bakers but no one was there.So she went back to her house down the lane.As soon as she was half way she saw her brother down the alley where have you been?said alice.”I’v been to the bakers to get some cookies but on the way back I saw these cool lanterns shining bright down the alley,”said Alice’s brother.Okay but we have to go back to the house because mum and dad are waiting for you!as soon as they got back they smelled the fresh breeze

Alice and her brother walked down the alley and went home.