
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

self defence

Today at self defence we learn how to protected  our self's and our friends when they need help.we learn how to roll.When some one is dragging you in your legs.It was so fun using our loud brave voices.We all so used the sensitive parts of our body. the thing that I liked was the rolling away.I love self defence!.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


A man was in a war. he  was sad he thought that  maybe he  will lose the war  or maybe his friends.He  the war was about to begin then the war stop.It was silent then the war stared they ran looking for a hiding spot. ("there under that rock")they went behind the rock. But then the man stood up he said("no more being scared")and he fight all of the man behind the rocks then hes friends wanted to help so they frighted. then they won the battle. he was happy and it made him a little sad.he went back to his house and had dinner with his family.


my Diagram  2021

for Inquiry we learned about the Earths Diagram shows 
you.the crust is sea a and land. it is all so where we live.The Mantel is made out of liquid rock.the Outer core is hot molten and iron.and the inner is solid iron.

At Monday mush up we did drawing I did lots of drawings but I didn't like them.I tried drawing a Dragon.I used the right coolers but there was still some thing wrong then i think then I-but then the teachers call me i had to go to the  dental van!!!it was scary but then it was nice.

then I had to ran back and ford. It took me a while to get my breathing back again.

funny Animals


I went for a walk.But I didn't know it was to windy.

You just want to fly but it just to 


When your mum wakes you up you cant help 

it.Its just too early

Friday, September 17, 2021

marshmallow earth layers

For Inquiry we did a marsh mallow earth layers.The chocolate was the crust and the marsh mallow was the mantle        

the m and m was the outer core.And  the inside of the m and m as the inner core.It was fun.The marsh mallow with the chocolate was a model of the earth.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Egg Earth

 For Inquiry we did a egg earth.We where doing the earth layers but with an was similar.It was kind of different because the earth is a lot bigger then a egg.I think eggs can be green to.I went with a group.Learning the earth layers is fun.