
Thursday, December 2, 2021

                Music week 2

to day at Monday mush up we are writing chords and melodies at first the song was a bit cranky and then  the music was mind blowing I really I really  liked it. making music is fun

Blending in

As they dashed off,a glimmer of stripes could be seen.a zebra blending in with a shadow of white horses as the zebra trying to get a way from a lion. The zebra could not be seen. The lion was curious what was happening. Then a flash zoomed across then all the horses panicked across the field as the zebra trying to find a way out. The lion saw the the zebra and then the lion rushed through the filed. the zebra ran but  could not run faster but it went on.the zebra was getting tired and tired but just then the flash zoomed through and across the lion the flash was so loud that the lion was so scared that the lion ran away. The zebra ran to the highest hill and saw....

zebras. he ran and ran he saw his mum and brothers and sisters,and his friends.then that morning his friends and family went on and eat grass,flowers and leafs. then it stated to 

rain drop fall across the sky then a glimmer of sunshine went on my face.

a rainbow fall across the sky and at night we would always see the shimmering shooting stars.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Giant clouds

Giant clouds are big and fluffy as a candy floss. Then there was a a ginormous hot air balloon. it flew up into the sky. Then it was getting colder and colder. Then the hot air balloon on exploded. Then it started to rain.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

How does the Earth orbit the sun?

 For Inquiry we where learning about how does the earth perfectly orbit around the sun. I worked with Aaliyah and Sanchia and I helped by putting the picture in. It takes a little over a year for the earth to do a full orbit around the sun.The earths rotation is what gives us day and night. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Twinkle Twinkle little flame

Once in the city of France there was a little girl called Alice with a nice pretty lantern. She went out to look for her brother.It was a wet and rainy day.She got her coat and her nice 

Pretty hat 

She could hear the 

Loud voices of the people of France

Soon the little girl remembers that her little brother said “I’ll go to the baker’s place to get some cookies”  soon the little girl went to the bakers but no one was there.So she went back to her house down the lane.As soon as she was half way she saw her brother down the alley where have you been?said alice.”I’v been to the bakers to get some cookies but on the way back I saw these cool lanterns shining bright down the alley,”said Alice’s brother.Okay but we have to go back to the house because mum and dad are waiting for you!as soon as they got back they smelled the fresh breeze

Alice and her brother walked down the alley and went home.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Christchurch symphony Orchestra

The Christchurch symphony orchestra 

 when we went to see the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra there were six people there. one played the violin, two played the viola, a guy also played the double bass and one played the french horn. The lady playing the violin. She teaches us to play the violin. I loved it it was so much fun. On Friday we are going to perform at 11:15.

I'm felt a little bit nervous but excited too. I hope I get it right.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

self defence

Today at self defence we learn how to protected  our self's and our friends when they need help.we learn how to roll.When some one is dragging you in your legs.It was so fun using our loud brave voices.We all so used the sensitive parts of our body. the thing that I liked was the rolling away.I love self defence!.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


A man was in a war. he  was sad he thought that  maybe he  will lose the war  or maybe his friends.He  the war was about to begin then the war stop.It was silent then the war stared they ran looking for a hiding spot. ("there under that rock")they went behind the rock. But then the man stood up he said("no more being scared")and he fight all of the man behind the rocks then hes friends wanted to help so they frighted. then they won the battle. he was happy and it made him a little sad.he went back to his house and had dinner with his family.


my Diagram  2021

for Inquiry we learned about the Earths Diagram shows 
you.the crust is sea a and land. it is all so where we live.The Mantel is made out of liquid rock.the Outer core is hot molten and iron.and the inner is solid iron.

At Monday mush up we did drawing I did lots of drawings but I didn't like them.I tried drawing a Dragon.I used the right coolers but there was still some thing wrong then i think then I-but then the teachers call me i had to go to the  dental van!!!it was scary but then it was nice.

then I had to ran back and ford. It took me a while to get my breathing back again.

funny Animals


I went for a walk.But I didn't know it was to windy.

You just want to fly but it just to 


When your mum wakes you up you cant help 

it.Its just too early

Friday, September 17, 2021

marshmallow earth layers

For Inquiry we did a marsh mallow earth layers.The chocolate was the crust and the marsh mallow was the mantle        

the m and m was the outer core.And  the inside of the m and m as the inner core.It was fun.The marsh mallow with the chocolate was a model of the earth.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Egg Earth

 For Inquiry we did a egg earth.We where doing the earth layers but with an was similar.It was kind of different because the earth is a lot bigger then a egg.I think eggs can be green to.I went with a group.Learning the earth layers is fun.


Friday, August 13, 2021

 Matariki(public holiday

Matariki is a public holiday to celebrate the ones who passed away. (“Matariki should be a public holiday”)


Matariki is all about Food,play,music,singing songs,reconnecting with our whanau and remembering our ancestors.The reason why we are celebrating  Matariki is to spend more time with our family. Matariki will be celebrated on early Friday, 24 June.

Why do we celebrate Matariki ?:(“chance to get together and remember whānau who have died”)

What are we going to do in Matariki? (“Share food, tell stories, sing and play music.”)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 part 2 of maths temperature 

Today we  have been learning about temperature we had to have three cups and thermometer we all so had ice,hot water and cold water. it was lots of fun 

we all so Lean about liquid like:

:fizzy drinks




 part 3 / maths weight

today in the 29th of July we learn about weight. it was so fun I felt like it was the best maths  ever it was basically some activities and we stay there for five minutes and then we had to move to different activities. 

part 1

“Houston, come in. Houston came in. This is Apollo 11. We have touched down on the surface of the moon. Over.”

“Apollo 11, this is Houston. You are clear to begin your mission. Over.”

Gazing around in a state of awe and wonder, the astronaut stood and admired what he saw. Outer space was a thing of pure beauty: a never-ending chasm of blackness, illuminated by stars that sparkled like beautiful diamonds.

He took a few steps forward, smiling at the joy of the feeling of weightlessness that never ceased to amaze him. Happy that his oxygen levels were high and his friends were close by, the astronaut set about his mission.

All seemed to be going well, but then the warning alarm on the ship sounded…

“Houston. Houston, come in! Houston, we have a problem…”we are running out of air”.”we need to get back on the ship right now! Or we will die in space”.

(walking to the ship) walk walk walk.”oh no we are running out of air in 5 minutes”.

Part 2 

Meeting! Meeting!  (people on earth)”sir we have a problem Houston and Apollo are stuck in space and they're running out of air”.”If they are not back in the ship in 6 minutes they will die”.

 Later on 

but luckily they  were saved by other people. They were from earth, they were stuck in space with their ship.They have fuel for the ship but their ship was broken by might take a little while.12 days 

later or 12 space later

The ship was fixed up “are you guys ready to go back to earth(“ya!”)

And they went back to earth and lived happily ever after the end.

Monday mush up

 Today we did Monday mush up. we went with our teacher. we did drawing. I drawer a cool girl  she had gold hire and she has a mixture  of eye colour. it is gold and some shinny blue. the dress was kind of red and brown and the touch of pink. Monday mush up is really fun next week is going to be the last Monday of drawing then we will do a next Monday mush's so much fun .

 My Wanderings about space

Friday, August 6, 2021

weighing packets


First we choose a food packet. After we write down the name of the packet and the weight.Then we put sand in the packet to try and  match the weight. Finally we weighed it.Then we had to do anther one.

I noticed that every time we try we got closer to the answer.

I noticed that it was hard because we had to guess the  weight.

I noticed our guess was close.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



I made a google draw I did three cups. Because in the orange cup is ice.

And in the blue cup is cold water. And in the red cup is hot water.At school  we had to do was lots of fun.

Monday, August 2, 2021

my cat for Monday mush up

 Finley I finished my cat  it took a while to finish my cut cut I call it Emma here I used felts because it's a lot easier to do. I want to be an artiest when I grow up.I love my art work. it was so much fun at Monday mush up.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

my Lego person

 Today we where with the release team. we where  supposed to be with Caroline.but we were with Marilyn.we got to  draw our own Lego person it was fun maybe  you should do it one day. we got to draw the body  it's basically just drawing  squares.then you get to colour them in. and when you'r  done you get to colour the background.It is basically a plan.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


capacity is like the maximum amount of  some thing it can hold.Like if there was a red cup and it had water all the way to the top like it was 2 it would be 2 L's.We learned about capacity.We had a really fun maths.

We got to do who can fell up the ice cream container of sand  one of them had the cup and the other had the spoon.

learning to swim

 I have been learning about how to swim I am getting good at it. One time I want on the deep pool with a teacher and with my friends they help me swim One time one of my  friend told me to swim to her and then she told me to swim back on the rack of the swimming pool  it was hard but Nelly drawn.but I am getting good at swimming.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Monday mashup

today I have been doing Monday mashup I have been drawing. i sketch a dragon I made a dragon that is a water type and I made my friends dragons that is Forest type Thunder type. it was fun but kind of hard.but I liked it.

what will you draw if you had time for?: anything         

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

     I enjoyed working with new people. it's like making friends but different.and It's much easy to do work at lest I'm not alone. but it is kind of scary.

Me and the wounder land

when  I woke up at 6:00 I went for a walk at the park and I went back home  and I went back  to sleep  and when I woke up again I was in the wounder-land there was a Caterpillar and a talking cat and other stuff but I was asleep and I woke up and I had dinner it was great.

A story about gymnastics

at the start of the school Beth and Sharon's group went to gymnastics I was in a group with ten Daisy and Zita there was lots of people we had to do the Barrow it was fun but amazing two we did lot's  of stuff we had to do.the we finished. we had to go back we had to walk to school because we didn't take the bus but I liked walking back to school because it's good for you'r body.

Hi I'm Abby we did a rath with  Willow,Brooke,Sanchia and I were my buddies they work very hard to do it.We use stick's,strings,plastic bags and deco rations we use the decoration as a feather sticks are really good for floating the plastic bags are the sale and the strings are supposed to hold the sticks up I liked it it was hard to make but fun at the end.

yesterday I want to a trip in the Christchurch city we want to the  Museum and then we had to switch  places. and then we want to a performance altogether the performance was an hour long. I now right that is pretty long but it was amazing doe I want to come back again.

maths array

this is my array I put my number's so I don't need to count them.

it was hard but I got it. my friend's need help so I help them.Daisy my friend had a great  idea. she said we could add number's on the array so it's a lot easy to read.And so I did it. it was a great Idea we had to do it for was so fun I loved it.


Friday, July 9, 2021

term 2 reflection

 This term I have been working on Inquiry. It was challenging for me. It was the last week of school. Daisy worked on the puppets and I worked on the slideshow.

It was almost time to pack up. We had to rush. We ask the teacher if we can stay inside. they said yes. We got the i-pad. Aaliyah-rose didn´t come to record. So Zita recorded for us. It was funny she had to record again! and again! then finally we got it.

(was it challenging)yes it was we work so hard that our families like it and that I am so proud of myself.

:was it easy? (yes)

:how did you do it?(we keep and trying)

:what did you do?(a V-hut puppet show)

1:Europeans came to New Zealand to have a better life.

2:They Needed more land

3:They brought food

Bad reasons

1:they brought flu

2:They cut down trees to make houses .

3:They ruin the rain forest.

4:The Europeans brought war. 

5: the Europeans give them guns

1:Why did the Europeans came to New Zealand

2:How did the Europeans got the flu

Thursday, July 8, 2021

school Lunch

The first time that i try the school lunches I did felt a bit sick. I don´t like the school lunches I eat my own lunches. I bring biscuits and sandwiches which strawberry jam, and chips.

bridle path

 (why did we go?)because to now how it felt like when the Europeans

 walk the bridle path.(what did you do?)

we had to walk and had a few brake's but when we got to the top. Daisy and I went to see some writing we read a lot then we saw a bench. our teacher read it to us.

it was a name from some one. (but was it easy)it was kind of easy but slippery it was fun doe. (how did you feel)It felt great!

but what reasons did the Europeans walk the bridle path it felt like I was going to fall.  but some of my friends help me. on the way down it felt slippery  but I did it. I  said to my self  I can do it.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Makey Makey

for the last term I been with Elizabeth we been learning about a Makey Makey. a makey makey is a electronic device Daisy.H is my friend she is very smart we been working on it for the last couple days. can program you can make a controller you can program it and you can play pack men in you'r's lots of fun.(but was it easy to play)yes

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


i  was on my Chromebook i was doing my time's table and  divided by.

Monday, June 14, 2021

ferry mead trip

  ferry mead 1850's to the 1860's

hi I'm Abby i went to a trip to ferry mead.
story starter.


When i got to school i sin in whiting to go to ferry mead really it was fun if you where there you're mind's where blown away!!!! i learn about the Europeans and how they build there house's

The V- shaped hut.

The V-shaped hut was the house's that Europeans live in.

Silver was important to the the family.

the family build the house out of wood.they burnt down tree's or hay.

lady's before gentleman.
a child should be seen but not heard.
keep you're shoes clean.
stand up straight.



Thursday, June 10, 2021

Easter fun

when it's nearly Easter you can't wait to get do's yummy Easter eggs you'r blood rushing in you'r veins when i woke up I was very excited i rushed over to my sister it's the day! it's the day! i said we went in the  car and we went over to my nans house are nan give us the Easter egg's  then i heard my family sayig we should go to the beach i was munching a pack of jelly bean's ... ?

 p 1:I went to  NZ it was in pier there was lots of people living there.I saw lots of people swimming in the beach.I can see people shopping. there was lots of cars parked. I can see lots of different old cars

tally chart:

to day I had to do maths we had to get piece of paper.All need was our maths book and our pencil case.we had to write down answers.We had to write number one,number two,number four and five.Some was easy and some was hard.But it all so help me learn.

the secret hideaway

  • What are the names of the two boys in this story? Ben and Mitch.

  • Why is this family in the forest What are they doing there? Swimming in the stream.

  • What things were they carrying in their backpacks? lunch,water.

  • How did the family feel about sleeping in a cave? happy.

  • How would you feel about sleeping in a cave? Uncomfortable.

  • How many syllables are in the word "marshmallow"? Three.

 I really want to go outside to play with zia. It's such a shame that I can't play with zia. I got an idea to be cuntenue

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

under the sea

 Where is the pup’s mother? maybe looking for her pup

What animal is she?a seal

What might she have learnt already from her mother? To swim

How old is the pup? Five years old

Do you remember learning to swim?  yes                                                            

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome? To tell the truth.

Will the pup be brave enough to enter? yes

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others?

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? Because they have parts that help them swim

Would you be able to do it? yes

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would she ever get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge.

 The young seal swimming across the sea. she call’s for her mother day and night she’s been swimming in the sea for two week’s finally she see’s dry land as she gets closer and closer she see’s seal’s like her but when she got close to the surface a shark comes up  the little seal is under a attack she calls for help the other seal’s come and attack. The seal’s all bit the shark, the shark swims away then the little seal see’s her mother

Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday mush up a puppet cat


At Monday mush up I made a puppet. It was a cat she is call lily. I made it with peg's and colour pen's.And hot glue gun.She is brown and grey. i love her.

by Abby.m and her cat

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Emotional muic

in this music it is catchy song my emotion is sad it is all so sad it is dramatic. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

what is Te papa?    A Museum.

where is Te papa?  55 Cable Street, Te aro, Wellington 6011

My favourite exhibit is: the web of time

Monday, May 17, 2021

my only fish

at Monday mush up I made a fish she is call sapphire she love's eating fish food i love sapphire she is kind 
by Abby.m

Friday, May 14, 2021

 Have you ever been to New Zealand? It's nice, the beach there is beautiful, “going to the zoo is so much fun!” feeding the animals are so so much enjoy your fun  trip at New Zealand go to New Brighton,to oamaru and go to Hamner Springs there is nice hot pool’s and for the kid’s a big nice pool with a slide and finally go to Queens town a nice walk really fun bye bye 

It’s a big w it’s a big world in New Zealand !

By Abby.m

Philippines poster

 Have you ever been to the Philippines, well you're in luck you get to spend the whole entire day swimming in the beach a fresh start people there are  so kind hotels there so nice nice beds yummy food what's the taxis and lots of Philippines food the Philippines can you tell a lot of rice and meat there's a nice beach with tables and chairs let's relax can enjoy you’re coconut juice yum yum just have are some pictures for you to .see

This is our native bird of the Philippines.

This is the beach with some people.

From Abby.m

I’m from the Philippines

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

by Abby.M

There are 2 sushi.There are 7 bananas,there are 6 ice creams,there are 3 cokes,there are 9 sprites.

is there more ice creams then coke

Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday mush up monster

at Monday mush up we made a monster my monster was a Queen it was fun to make I tried my very best the monster's name is called add may she likes eating cake and she is greedy but i love my monster from Abby.m


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Monday mashup

 This Monday we did Monday mashup I did art we did dots with are hands so we had to put are hand in the black paper and get some paint and do some dote around your hand. It was fun I really liked that. The teacher said next Monday we can do letters of are names so you get some cardboard and cut the first letter of your name then get some strings and rap it around the letter and it's finished but I really liked the  letter.

Can you do that?

Making a graph in the computer

 My pie chart about favourite movies.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

what did i do today

 to day I learn abut the NZ history on are Drive it was fun

I loved it I get to learn abut the Maori people and where they come  from. I like learning abut the history Because you can learn abut the past and it's good for you'r brain. Beth really

blue my mind away. it was a little hard but I head to guess but Beth said it's ok to guess. I really loved it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

monday mash up

To day I been doing Monday mashup. I been doing scratch. I learned how to make a maze. it was hard to control the characters. it was fun to make the characters. I wood like to make a another one. it was hard at the first start. but  it was better at the last. 

I love Kelly sports

I love Kelly sports it is really fun. one time I played paper scissors Rock I nearly got there bat I  lost so it was Daisy's tarn but she lost an it was illas tarn we got a piont but the other tame was losing it an then   techer  the called as case we had to go back.

the three Blind Mice

 As I was walking in the wood whats that I see? A small little cavern. I open it and inside was three blind mice. The first mouse had a stick and blue jacket and the second had some pairs of shoes and a cowboy hat and he was wearing some sunglasses and a jacket. The third mouse had a jacket. They were all wearing jackets. They all look at me and I stared at them and I ran away.